Latest Episodes

From Down Under to Iceland to The City of Light | Meet Comedian Jono Duffy


63 minutes

After spending 5 years in Iceland, Australian comedian moved to France in the thick of the COVID 19 pandemic.  

✩ Where to find Jono Duffy ✩
➫ TikTok: @thejonoduffy
➫ Website:

Meet Founder of Ferdinand Duval, the newest French Online Shopping Platform | Alicja Grzadkowska


47 minutes

By way of Canada, Alicja Grzadkowska now calls Paris home.  Since her arrival a mere 3 years ago she has founded a literary magazine and a company that curates the French & European brands that Parisians love to wear. Founded in the Marais neighbourhood of Paris in 2021, Ferdinand Duval is a marketplace that curates the French & European fashion brands that Parisians love to wear.

✩ Where to find Alicja ✩
➫ Insta: @ferdinandduval
➫ Website:
➫ Magazine:

From Au Pairing in France to Food Blogging on TikTok & Instagram | Bisous Morgan


43 minutes

You might know Morgan Hizar from TikTok, as BisousMorgan, where she has garnered an impressive following of 75K by sharing her favorite Parisian restaurants & anecdotes about life abroad. Born and bred in Ohio, she moved to France in 2018 and now calls Paris home. 

✩ Where to find Morgan ✩
➫ Insta: @bisousmorgan
➫ Website:
➫ TikTok: @bisousmorgan

Meet Jamie Nyqvist, Founder of YLW digital, a Paris based digital marketing agency


27 minutes

Jamie Nyqvist is a Finnish American from Helsinki who came to France at the tender age of 18 for college.  Five years later, she is a young entrepreneur with her own digital marketing agency, YLW Digital.

✩ Where to find Jamie ✩
➫ Insta: @ylwdigital
➫ Website:
➫ Email: 

Meet the Black American Writer & Social Media Strategist behind "Après Josephine" | Lyneka Little


62 minutes

After applying for her 1st ever passport at 32 years old, Lyneka Little embarked on a life defining journey to France.  Despite not knowing French, she created a life in France full of art, culture, and strong community through her passion for creating new connections and celebrating wine.  Her travels and experiences in Paris have inspired her to start Après Josephine, an online platform & blog where writers and artists alike, share diverse stories of the African diaspora in France.  Little has written for The Wall Street Journal,, Entrepreneur and People Magazine.

✩ Where to find Lyneka Little ✩
➫ Insta: @apresjosephine
➫ Website: Aprè
➫ Email: apresjosephine@gmail .com

NYC based Multiproducer and Photojournalist on why she traveled to France to document Hip Hop & Rap Culture | Ennica Jacob


43 minutes

Ennica Jacob is a New York based multimedia producer and photojournalist

Meet Paris based Brazilian Polyglot | Nicholas Almeida


45 minutes

Nicholas Almeida is a Brazilian bred polygot who has been living in France for nearly 5 years.

From ATL to the Sorbonne | Raymond Jennings


69 minutes

After teaching English to school children in France, Raymond Jennings enrolled at the famed French university, The Sorbonne to continue his studies in Geography. His time in France eventually influenced his studies & research within the field of geography as it relates to race and politics.  Although he is currently residing in the US, he reflects heavily on his time in France.

✩ Where to Find Raymond ✩

From New Zealand to Paris

Meet Charlotte Pleasants, a Paris based Theater Artist

37 minutes

After graduating from a bachelor's degree in Theater & Anthropology , Charlotte Pleasants intended to move to the UK but a short stint in Paris about 6 years ago caught her attention and she's been in Paris ever since.  Since her arrival, she has been heavily involved in the English theater scene. She created Tapis Theatre and is a founding member of Cygnet Theatre, a Shakespeare theatre troupe. 

✩ Where to find Charlotte  ✩
Cygnet Theatre
Tapis Théâtre

From Paris on a Fulbright to study at The Sorbonne to Harvard Med School | William Mbongo


42 minutes

Before entering Harvard Medical School, my guest & friend, William Mbongo decided to spend one year in Paris on a prestigious Fulbright scholarship.  During his year in France, he studied at The Sorbonne, worked in a medical lab, and coached kids in sports in his spare time.

✩ Where to find Will  ✩
➫ His podcast: DocDreams

Polish Theatre Directing Student Discusses her Exchange Year in Paris | Weronika Kuśmider


41 minutes

In this episode, I chat with Weronika Kuśmider, a Polish student of theatre directing who spent a year abroad studying at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle.   During her time in Paris, she directed a bilingual short play and actively saw theater throughout Paris.  She is the founder of Coaching for Artists and co-founder of Atelier Entre – Deux.

✩ Where to find Weronika ✩
➫ Instagram @weronikamariakusmider

French Guy Studies Abroad in the US w/ Alain Kulmburg


51 minutes

Bonus Episode! This episode explores the other side of international exchange and cultural diversity. I will be chatting with a French friend/classmate, Alain, about his year abroad studying in the US and how it is not quite like the movies.

✩ Where to find Alain  ✩
➫ Youtube: Alain Kulmburg 

Discussing the Re-imagination of Black Identity Through Photos w/ Rebecca Arthur


31 minutes

Rebecca Arthur is a recent NYU grad where she majored in photography.  She ventured to Paris on a  prestigious Fulbright fellowship to explore Black identity through photography.

✩ Where to find Rebecca ✩
➫ Instagram: @r3ba
➫ Website Portfolio:


Emily Is Not In Paris: The Podcast

1 minute

Bienvenue en France!
Insta @EmilyIsNotInParisThePodcast